
You may encounter some problems when using Hexo. The following are the solutions to the problems that people frequently asked. If you can’t find the answer here, you can try to find the answer on GitHub or Google Group.

YAML Parsing Error

throw new YamlParseException('Unable to parse.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb
YamlParseException: Unable to parse.

When you encounter YamlParseException, check your configuration and front-matter in the post files. Make sure they are written in correct YAML format: use spaces instead of tabs and add a space before colons. For example:

foo: 1
baz: 2


Error: EMFILE, too many open files

Though Node.js has non-blocking I/O, the number of synchronous I/O is still limited by system. You may come across EMFILE error when trying to generate a large number of files. You can try to run the following command to increase the number of synchronous I/O.

$ ulimit -n 10000

GitHub Deployment Problems

fatal: '' does not appear to be a git repository

Make sure you have set up git on your computer and try to use HTTPS repository URL instead.

Server Problems

Error: listen EADDRINUSE

You may open Hexo server twice or there’s other applications using the same port. Try to edit port setting or start Hexo server with -p flag.

$ hexo server -p 5000

Plugin Installation Problems

npm WARN package.json plugin-name@0.0.1 No read me data.

This error comes out when you install a plugin which doesn’t provide read me file. Don’t be scared. This error won’t cause any problems.

npm ERR! node-waf configure build

This error may occurred when you trying to install a plugin written in C, C++ or other non-JavaScript language. Make sure you have installed compiler on your computer.

Iterate Data Model on Jade or Swig

Hexo uses Warehouse as data model. It’s not an array so you have to transform them into to iterate. For more information about Warehouse, see the API.

Stylesheets Not Updated

You may find that stylesheets updated in Hexo server but not applied to static files. It’s because Hexo compares modified date of files when generating. You can clean cache to solve this problem.

$ hexo clean

Escape in Posts

Hexo uses Swig to render posts. Contents wrapped with {{ }} or {% %} will be parsed and may cause problems. You can wrap sensitive contents with raw tag plugin.